

MIS takes the safety of its students extremely seriously and we pride ourselves to ensure that
every pupil in our care is safe at all times. The digital world is a huge part of people’s life, IT and
online communications can provide beneficial, valuable support for learning, opportunities and
education, however at times the internet may pose a significant risk to young people.
Our students are therefore taught about the potential risks that may arise online and are taught
how to limit them; these risks may include but are not limited to:

  • Bullying
  • Fraud
  • Grooming
  • Stalking
  • Abusive behaviors
  • Malicious software

    New technologies are ever growing and are continually enhancing communication throughout
    the world. People like to constantly share life experiences, information and socially interact
    This policy aims to provide guidance on how to minimize risks and how to use the internet
    safely, equipping the students with helpful strategies to keep them safe online. MIS also
    recognizes the importance of involving the pupils in group discussions about E-safety, in class
    and during school assemblies.
    The scope of Mariya International schools policy regarding E-safety is applicable to our school
    community as a whole that includes staff, parents and visitors. This policy covers both fixed and
    mobile internet devices provided by the school such as school cameras, laptops, webcams,
    whiteboard, digital videos and equipment etc., as well as any of the student’s personal devices
    that may have been brought onto the schools premises.

Roles and responsibilities
1. School administration is responsible for the approval of this policy and is committed to
renewing it for effectiveness.
2. Designated member of staff who takes responsibility that E-safety rules are implemented
in school

Mariya International School

3. Schools firewalls are up to date
4. Students are not allowed to use the internet without supervision
5. Staff are adequately trained about e-safety
6. Staff are aware of the schools procedures and policies that should be followed in the
event of a breach of E-safety
7. School academic coordinators ensure that this policy is upheld by all members of staff,
including teachers, the wider school community and works well with the schools IT
8. The school is committed to be up to date with the governments laws and regulations
regarding internet use
9. School provides a safe infrastructure and keeps up with the rapid succession of technical
10. School has a specialist IT department , who is responsible of the schools hardware
systems ,date and its security
11. All staff who work with student whilst using the internet must demonstrate , promote and
support safe behaviors and ensure the implementation of the schools E-safety procedures
12. The school is dedicated to providing a safe environment for students and we promote a
talking and listening culture amongst our students, so they are free to express themselves
and bring to each other and the schools attention any E-safety issues that may occur
13. Staff have a responsibility to report any concerns related to E-safety
14. Pupils are expected to adhere to school rules regarding E-safety
15. Students are advised not to ever share usernames and passwords
16. This policy will be reviewed each term for its effectiveness
17. Schools IT department are responsible the students cannot use schools computers for any
inappropriate access of websites , providing essential filters and firewalls
18. Safe use of digital and video images
19. Staff should inform and educate pupils about risk associated with sharing , publishing
,distributing images or videos online, and recognize the risks associated with doing so
20. Everybody should respect each other’s privacy and not take or share pictures of each
other without permission, this includes parents that attend school , they should not take
photos of any child that is not their own without the consent of the child’s parents

First aid policy

Mariya International School first aid policy is a whole school policy applicable for both boys and
girls sections at the school. This policy ensures that, every student and member of staff, together
with on-site visitors, will be properly looked after during the event of any accident or illness.

MIS school has two qualified doctors and fully functional clinics in both girls and boys sections
at the school. The school clinics can be accessed during school hours, this clinic is available for
students and members of staff.

The school clinics provide the following care:

  •  Effective and safe first aid support for all students, staff and visitors.
  • Ensure all staff members are aware of the first-aid arrangements in the school.
  • Ensure all students and staff are aware of the clinics locations.
  • Raise awareness of health and safety issues within the school , on the school buses and on
    education schools trips.
  • School doctors help to raise awareness , maintain and reduce the risk of the schools
    members becoming the victim of accidents.

School management will ensure the following:

  • Frequent risk assessments to be carried out in school.
  • Ensure all policies and risk assessments are up to date.
  • Ensure copies of the school policies are available to parents.
  • Clinics are fully resourced and able to function.
  • Staff members have sufficient knowledge and are trained to be able to appropriate
    responsibilities , including having sufficient understanding of emergency situations and
    the appropriate course of action.
  • Dedicated team member who is allocated to call civil defense (Emergency services).
  • First aid arrangements in place for when students and staff use the school buses , go on
    educational trips and visits.
  • Ensure that first aid arrangements are in place for sports events and any out of hours
    activities on the schools site.
  • The clinic staff along with the school counsellor will coordinate the work between
    themselves and other members of staff where appropriate, or during medical
  • Medical Room staff, in conjunction with the Appointed Person (school counsellor), will compile,
    maintain and as appropriate provide others with a list of students with known and serious medical
    conditions, including in particular those with asthmatic, anaphylactic, diabetic, epileptic illnesses.
  • The school doctor will also will keep a file of medical consent forms for each individual student,
    which will be done during the enrollment process. During the enrollment process the parents will
    be asked to disclose all medical information, including medical reports and proof of
    immunizations to the school.
  • In the event of a student having a fever the school will apply cold compress and notify parents.
  • The school doctor will be in charge of administering any medicines to the students that
    they are required to take during the school day.
  • Teachers will accompany students to the clinic when required.
  • In the event of a serious emergency where hospital treatment is required , the child’s
    parents will be notified and the pupil will be accompanied to the hospital in an ambulance
    with the appointed person.

Health and safety policy

The management of Mariya International School Jubail, recognizes the importance of ensuring
that the students, staff and anybody who visits our school is safe during their time at the school,
this includes those who also use the schools buses. Protecting the health and safety for all who
are involved in the school activities is of the upmost importance of the schools management.

The schools health and safety responsibilities are brought to the attention of all employees, this
policy ensures the following conditions are met:

Carry out regular assessments in the school to identify proportionate and pragmatic
solutions to manage and reduce risk.

  • Communicate with our staff on matters that affect their health.
  • Fully comply with all governmental and legal requirements regarding health codes of
    practice and regulations.
  • Eliminate or reduce risks to health and safety as much as possible.
  • Regular assessments of hazardous goods , designs , equipment , facilities ,materials and
  • Encourage all staff to report any potential hazards or health risks that they become aware
  • Ensure all appropriate fire procedures are in place.
  • Ensure maintenance of school premises and buses.
  • Only engage with contractors who are qualified and are able to demonstrate due regard to
    all health and safety matters.
  • Provide adequate training to all staff.
  • Ensure there is an organizational structure that defines responsibilities for health and
  • Make sure information is easy accessible and readily available for all staff , parents and
  • Regularly monitor performance and revise policies and procedures and peruse continuous
    improvement ethos in the school.
  • Where risks are unable to be eliminated , ensure staff are trained to deal with situations
    that may arise.

This Health and Safety Policy will be reviewed by the schools management annually to revise, and
implement any necessary changes in the school, and be up to date with current legislation’s in the
kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

School Rules

Mariya International Schools Jubail is part of an ever growing, ever
changing inclusive and diverse community based here in the Industrial City
of Jubail with over 200,000 expats, including the local Saudi Arabian
population. Our School rules are intended to promote the safety, happiness
and well-being of all of our students and staff. All students are expected to
follow the school rules and respect each other, adhering to the code of


Code of conduct for pupils

The School expects you to:

  • Be respectful , tolerant and courteous towards your fellow pupils and
  • Be conscientious and hard-working.
  • Always try your best to strive to reach your full potential.
  • Be honest and trustworthy.
  • Attend school on time and be punctual to class.
  • Try your best to be reliable , responsible ,caring of others and well-
    behaved in school and on the school buses.
  • follow teacher and school administration instructions.
  • remember that you are a member of the MIS community and your
    behavior , attitude and conduct should reflect this at all times and is
    also a reflection of yourself as an individual.

You should never:

  • Disrupt the learning of other students.
  • Interrupt or disrespect your teachers and other members of staff.
  • Bring dangerous objects or materials into school.
  • Bring offensive or inappropriate materials/objects onto the school
    premises ,including school buses.
  • Engage in vandalism or stealing.
  • Engage in violence or dangerous behavior.
  • Have in your possession smoking material.
  • Have in your possession medication of any kind without teachers
  • Engage in bullying behavior.

All of these expectations also include your online interactions whilst using
the internet, social media and mobile phones, whether in school, on the
school bus or elsewhere.

Breaches of the school rules can be serious and lead to other
consequences, however such breaches are a rare occurrence at our

We would like to encourage the best codes of conduct at all times in the
creating of a safe school environment for all, at all times in and out of

Thank you.

School Principal – Boys Section
Mr Murdhi Al-Muhaiza

Complaints procedure

Introduction and aims of the policy

Mariya International School Jubail prides itself on the quality of education and teaching and the
school hopes that complaints will be rare. However, there may be some occasions where
parents have a cause to complain to the school. This policy will give guidance and assurance to
parents that all complaints are handled promptly, appropriately and fairly. MIS respects the
views of all of our students and their families, and we make sure every complaint is dealt with
seriously and sensitively.

Who to contact:

  • If parents have a concern or complaint they can contact their child’s class teacher.
  • Where the parent wishes to speak to somebody other than their child’s teacher they
    may contact the school’s principal directly, and appointments can be made to do so at
    the school reception.
  • Parents who have any serious or sensitive issue can make appointment to speak to the
    school principal directly.


  • On receiving a complaint in person, writing, phone or by email, the school’s principal will
    be informed, and a record of the concerns raised and the date they were received.
  • All complaints are addressed immediately with in the same day and the parents will be
    contacted by the school.
  • The school will investigate the matter fairly and appropriately with the relevant
  • The school will record the date the issue was raised.
  • Name of parent and student.
  • Description of the issue.
  • School will keep record of investigation and the outcome.
  • The outcome/resolution and any actions taken by the school.

In the vast majority of cases MIS will resolve the issue quickly to the parents’ satisfaction.
Many Thanks for your support .
School admin.